Past Work

I’ve been fortunate to work on some amazing projects with some amazing people. One of the coolest creations is the “Blueprint” video series that Chris Balogh and I worked on together. It allows viewers to gain a unique perspective on the incredible craftsmanship and attention to detail that goes into building boats.

I also helped create the “Pontoon Boat Buyers Guide” for Boating Magazine. That started as a digital project centered around improving SEO for pontoon content on the website, and morphed into a special print edition. It proved that successfully testing ideas in the digital space can lead to impactful print products.

2017 Pontoon Boat Buyers Guide

There have also been lots of website ports, audits and tagging projects along the way. I’ve created articles and hubs in custom-built Javascript-based content management systems, various Drupal iterations and (obviously) WordPress. I’ve worked on video hosting projects using Brightcove, Ooyala, Dailymotion, Vimeo and YouTube. I’ve tracked all of that using Adobe Analytics, Google Analytics and Jira.