
My passion for digital content creation stems from the ability to generate immediate results, as well as craft long-term plans that ensure continued success. As a digital editor, I work closely with print and web teams to research trends, develop content strategies and establish a system for tracking those efforts. In that role, I’m always seeking new ways of producing and delivering content that our audience finds informative and beneficial.

As a podcaster, I enjoy telling stories and exploring topics in ways that make people laugh and learn. I remember falling asleep to sports or talk radio as a kid, and podcasts feel like a modern-day connection to those wonderful memories.

I’m also big into statistics, especially sports-related, and the science behind improving performance. It started with my love of running, but has branched out into MMA and strength training, among others.

Speaking of running, it’s something I’ve always with varying degrees of commitment and success. Recently, I’ve realized how much running means to me, and I’ve decided to take it as seriously as I did years ago. I plan to document that progress here with the hope that it will motivate others.

Feel free to send over coffee and craft beers recs any time.